For activists and campaigners waging justice against big adversaries, and journalists
Learn how activists, particularly across Africa, MENA and Europe, are using Twitter strategically to build pressure in campaigns targeting big corporate and government decision-makers and to build visibility in the media
Learn how journalists can develop their Twitter account to protect themselves and ensure they have allies if they need them
Build your account quickly and strategically, by up to 250 followers per week using free and low-cost tools and techniques (participants will implement during the series and share results)
Use Twitter lists and DM groups to activate followers
Orchestrate a Twitterstorm including the hijacking of a hashtag
Develop a guide using free tools to make it easy for allies to participate
Develop your Twitter Strategic Plan based on the needs of your campaign
Share options for when a government running scared tries to shut you down, and how to be prepared for it. (Participants will also have the option to form a global Twitter solidarity community.